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Tudor Gold Corp V.TUD

Alternate Symbol(s):  TDRRF

Tudor Gold Corp. is a Canada-based precious and base metals exploration and development company. The Company has claims in British Columbia's Golden Triangle (Canada), an area that hosts producing and past-producing mines and several large deposits that are approaching potential development. The Company has a 60% interest in Treaty Creek gold project, located in northwestern British Columbia, which is host to the Goldstorm Deposit, a large gold-copper porphyry system, as well as several other mineralized zones. The Company's Treaty Creek property covers an area of approximately 17,913 hectares.

TSXV:TUD - Post by User

Comment by MarcusAon May 26, 2021 2:20pm
Post# 33268906


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:News !Thanks, but it did not take an in-deepth study, as things are pretty obvious: he comes up with 4 main topics in more or less the following order: grade, metallurgy, waste, tunnel.  I sincerely apologize if I missed something terribly important.... but personnaly I think that things have been adressed, maybe not to his liking, but I have the feeling that I made an informed decsion. I will sit tight and enjoy spring (though weahter here resembles that at TC).
Not saying that it is forbidden to repeat oneself. Free board.

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