BRC BRC closed at $1.05 today , with a market cap of $128.19 M
Its been a big month for $BRC. Some Highlights :
- rounding off April with an upgrade to the OTCQX Best market, further enhancing its presence within the US and bolstering Blackrock's stock visibility.
- Discovery of a new vein of more high-grade gold and silver drill intercepts at Tonopah West Project
“investors have a lot to look forward to in the near term."
- CEO Andrew Pollard
- $8 M bought Deal Private Placement with Red Cloud Securities Inc.
- Equity Investment from First Majestic Silver Corp as Part of $2 M Private Placement , representing validation of the potential at the Tonopah West silver-gold project
this additional funding will allow $BRC to scale up their exploration program . One to look out for.