The political situation in MaliIt's no secret that there are security issues in Mali. My interpretation is that this threat is mainly located in the north, center, and is linked to various groups of rebels and jihadists.
Regarding the seizure of power by the military junta in August 2020 and the latest events, I consider that these actions are aimed at restoring the security of communities in the north and in the rest of the country. Too often the authorities of the country have not acted adequately with regard to these threats and it is this laxity which explains the seizure of power by the military junta. The latest events go in the same direction and aim to ensure an adequate transition of power and for finality, to meet the objectives in a sustainable way.
The international community has taken the liberty of denouncing the overthrow of the government in August 2020 for a matter of respect for democracy. But to be honest, I believe this coup was necessary because otherwise the security situation would likely have deteriorated dramatically. Moreover, several leaders on different continents have praised the efforts of the military power, including Colonel Gota.
As for Robex, activities are continuing normally and more than 600 Malians continue to work there. In other cases, you can be sure that the management team would communicate about it. In other words: No news, good news.