It's all coming out now...I think ccAbbot (aka Josh-19) is somehow behind this pandemic.
He forecast that Covid-19 would delay Tigris, so he shorted EDT (including recently at 80 cents).
It was a bold move, even knowing (as the Europeans know) that Covid increases the incidence of Sepsis.
We all pretty much know that it was a lab-leak (and I'm not talking about taking your retriever for a walk).
I suspect that the vaccines will eventually release a cytokine in vaccinated people, that will operate as a form of mind control. This is where MindMed comes in, and Cytosorb (to absorb the offending cytokine)
All the work of a devious mastermind that has visited this board.
PS: Covid-19, Josh19 - a coincidence? I think not !
bwahhhhaaaaahaahahhaaaahhhhaahhh !