Nickel 28 - Repurchase of shares! Great news for all shareholders!
"“Using Nickel 28’s excess liquidity to buy back common shares at their current trading price would be highly accretive to our net asset value per share and represents the highest rate of return on an investment that the Company could make,” stated Anthony Milewski, the Company’s Chairman. He continued, “Accordingly, the purchase for cancellation of shares by Nickel 28 during these times will benefit the remaining shareholders by increasing their proportionate ownership in the Company.”
Nickel 28 has submitted a notice of intention to undertake a normal course issuer bid to the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV”) in connection with the purchase by Nickel 28 of up to 7,478,209 of its common shares, representing 8.7% of the 85,701,844 common shares comprising Nickel 28’s total issued and outstanding common shares as of May 26, 2021."