RE:SOUR GRAPES!!!!!Hey read my posts I do not bash this stock nor make predictions to the price.
I am just asking Starsearcher80 to be transparent and honest about his intentions here.
If you remmeber he pumped this stock about a month ago with predictions of $40 and then sold the second it hit $30, This is his gig he will never commit to a price but has been horribley wrong so many times in the past
He spams other boards while pumping AC even after he flip floped on this board and bailed way before his price predictions last time
He is not honest about his motives if he was i have never met a trader who did not have an exit price in advance of buying a stock and I am just calling him out on it.
He is the driver of the Clown car he will acuse us driving, in that because of his behaviour the clown car will follow him where ever he goes. He has burned many people with his shady flip flop behaviour.
If you want to see all his posts you need to look up all his names, he claims he gets locked out of his accounts. Odd for a guy who posts 20+ times a day on multiple boards.
Anyhoo the stock he spamed AC on and called us all idiots on is just starting a major run again, (last run was $20-$72 which he missed out on) also called us idiots for holding GME at $140 saying we would never see profits............
You want us gone call him out on his cr@p and maybe enough people hold him responcible for his behaviour he may "poof" at the very least he will not rug pull folks like he always does
Prob just come back as starsearcher100 I think he burned 20 40 and 60 already
Invinceableone wrote: Sour Grapes if you are the remaining crew of the TROLL Morons please I beg you stop embarassing yourself further you are all pathetic your GIG is up and the game is over. Go home lick your wounds and get back to the Kraft Dinner and Hot Dogs!!! Poof your gone!!!!! AC to the Moon!!!! as I have said it was just a matter of time and things only get better from here!!!!