RE:We are a short holding companyThis is the most powerful short term force.
WeedTheNorth wrote: They've manipulated our shares price down to maintain a higher valuation of the cash they are able to keep from covering at the current price (to cover now takes 30 million shares). To cover is to drive the price higher and the actual price they will cover for those shorts will leave them with much less cash than holding. They aren't covering until the lender above them (prime broker then dtcc, then fed) forces them because to cover now is to likely enough to bankrupt some setting the reaction off.
I think GME is going to start the reaction anyways, or maybe our earnings will surprise those saying canopy is dead, or maybe it's any of the other hundreds of over shorted stocks in a system so flush with cash (higher dollar prices) that banks are begging the fed for tapering. DYODD