RE:On a more positive noteI don't see any positives here for the folk that bought into the BC story and more importantly the way it was told. Danby will never lose money. I can't see them manufacturing other people's product at a loss. The institution has a sufficiently low price and means to get their money back and then sit on risk-free and effectively free warrants. Are we ar $3, $4, $5, $6 going to just maybe make our money back? Maybe, but if it is now a long term investment and we have to wait several years at which point Ghezzi can fully benefit from his 10 million or whatever shares, that is not much of a consolation. But there is not even that assurance. I, and many, have a strong argument that we have been mislead, and not just once or twice, and not on "nice to have" stuff. Ghezzi must start providing clarity to account for his communication and actions. Many thought he owed that after the projection, but unfortunately and disappointingly, the list keeps growing. It is all there in the public domain, from him. Whole bunch of 100, 200, 300 share anonymous transactions and I can't get out of my mind his implications that the manipulators are hurting us including some of it being fixed by a senior exchange. Small potatoes compared to the real reason. Uuuuunnnbelievable! As i said, if the share price is not significantly higher by the end of July due to what should be this strategic investment, I will notch this in my mind to another bad move by KNR. Or Ghezzi can clearly spell out his positive expectations keeping us retailers in mind at the upcoming conference call. He is the master engineer of this whole thing and time to hear about expected results of his plan, if he is not just flying by the seat of his pants now. JMHO.