Redecan acquisitionDisappointing news and I sold the last of my Hexo/Zena shares a market that is flooded with LPs and oversupply this certainly wasn't a wise acquisition to make...but hey this is the kind of crazy stuff you do when you have a lot of cash and dont know what to do with it..what's even worse is this being touted as a strategy by SSL. I understand that increasing market share is an important aspect of building business but that should not come at the cost of ignoring forward/backward integration opportunities esp in a market like Canada that is suffering from oversupply. The ideal opportunity would have been an acquisition in US or buying out a retailer here in Canada (read HITI). Particularly the latter, as it would have helped increase their market share organically by product positioning. Intergration of these new acquisitions is an area that has been completely ignored. Anyone who runs a business knows who expensive, time-consuming and painful these integrations can be and Hexo just signed up for two of these.. anyway I wish everyone here all the luck (incl all the pumpers and the bashers)..glta