It may be as simple as this...We wrere right to think this could have gone off for all the reasons. But unexpected impediments and unhelpful ceo bs kept us locked in the speculative box. Ghezzi was trying to tap dance around the issues but ultimately had such confidence in his plans he probably didn't waste a moment thinking about those of us who were propping the sp up for him. So when he was giddy after that investor conference about his love match connection that admired his inside ownership what he didn't anticipate (or refused to acknowledge then) was that they thought the stock was way overvalued. And what did he do (can't remember which came first... could matter)? Well, at one point he said "I'm gonna buy back shares because its undervalued". Some of us said "yeah" and some said "BS". So it may be as simple as that was our CEO trying to bluff these new investors who called him on it. Pure speculation... we are all trying to makes sense. Does that scenario seem plausible?