Been telling you for MONTHS
you are completely CRYPTO BLIND BRO! You are NOT LOOKING AT THE BIG PICTURE OF MOST THINGS. Everything you speak is narrow minded and element based, with attached to BIG PICTURE. You see it's a BRAIN THING, our ENTIRE BRAIN NEEDS TO BE INVOLVED, One half of the brain sees big picture to details, and the other side mirror image sees details to big picture. If the 2 hemispheres of our brain are not working together WISDOM CANNOT BE ESTABLISHED, because we have only ONE SIDE WORKING....leaving us lost in DETAILS/ELEMENTS....with no BIG PICTURE or VISE VERSA. Neuroscience is one of my fields of study .....among others, So FINALLY glad to see you have come to the revelation of how absent and irrelevant your posts and shadowed perception has been in all you speak! Awesome to see ... You been awakened to that reality!!