RE:What pharma company give away a billion dollar investment?Eric, you hit the nail on the head in your post, but you were a little too fuzzy on one point you made:
You wrote: "Instead, they sell it for 5 millions !!!!!!!!! and give away 30% of a 100 millions $++ pediatric voucher"
Actually they did not sell it for $5 M. At this poit in time they have ZERO dollars for it. What they did was GIVE and option to Kedrion which they could exercise for $5 M AFTER THE FADA DECISION IS MADE ON THE PDUFA DATE AND THE RESULT IS KNOWN. So if they get a CRL or lr a CMC problem etc they get zero dollars, they only get the $5 M if Kedrion decides to exercise AFTER a positive result from the FDA whicj then means they gave away $30 M from the voucher plus the golden goose from the revenues from Ryplasim. Totally senseless move unless it is meant as a move due to the law suit. The only trouble with this is it makes what they are doing too obvious. When the jusges eventually has this shown to him, he will throw the book at Thomsono and the defendants. subtelty has gone out the window!