The Mayor from Aznalcollar, Juan Jose Fernandez:De este modo, el alcalde de Aznalcllar seala en un comunicado que "el constante entorpecimiento de la empresa perdedora" del concurso minero en esta localidad, las Administraciones y la "lentitud exasperante" de la Justicia estn "condenando a la pobreza a un pueblo que podra ser rico llevando a cabo la actividad que mejor sabe hacer, la minera".
Este pueblo ya no puede ms y este alcalde ya no sabe qu hacer para poder acabar con el hambre de las familias.
Thus, the mayor of Aznalcllar points out in a statement that "the constant hindrance of the losing company" (Emerita Resources) of the mining contest in this town, the Administrations and the "exasperating slowness" of Justice are "condemning to poverty a town that could be rich carrying out the activity that best knows how to do, mining".
This town has had enough and this mayor does not know what to do to put an end to the hunger of the families. ex:
Aznalcllar (Sevilla) prepara movilizaciones y pide no "eternizar" permisos mineros ante los sondeos de varias empresas: Think about how welcome Emerita is in the region around Seville and especially in Aznalcollar. Not at all. The Emerita Resources name has been burned locally.
Emerita has no choice to focus on the IBW Iberia Belt West project. There are good chances of being able to develop La Infanta. With El Cura one can have hope. Further west in the dehesa areas, development is practically impossible (Romanera, Ontario).