Gold Manipulation Ending With Basel III Requirements You probably won't hear this in any of the corrupt main stream media or business news outlets, but starting at the end of June (in a month's time), the Bank of International Settlements is going to be penalizing financial institutions that deal in Unallocated Gold and Silver Contracts which should have a profound impact on the physical price of precious metals going forward.
What is unallocated gold or silver? It is the fraudulent belief that you have a right to obtain some physical metal, and today, there is about $300 to $400 billion worth of paper contracts out there that investors believe they have the right to obtain.
The Bank of International Settlements regulates the central banks around the world, and in 2014 it worked out a plan to help mitigate risks to the financial systems around the world, and this is the Basel III aspect of it that starts taking effect in Europe and Switzerland as early as the end of June, and by January 1st in the UK.
This probably means the end of the line for the LBMA and for the COMEX going forward which should bring new elements of price discovery for the physical markets of both gold and silver, and some aspects of energy and copper.
In a nutshell, it wants financial institutions to finance long term assets using long term financing and the same thing for short term assets to help prevent the 2008-2014 financial crisis from re occuring.
I have tried to attach a copy of a podcast which goes into finer detail about these changes found on It is a 51 minute podcast which helps explain the impacts of these policy changes on the price of gold and silver.
A higher price of gold should bode well for Orefinders, and perhaps bring more investors into the junior space.