share structure
Remarkable how the share structure is currently shaping up going in the drill. Looks like Japan drilling is also completely out, or only holds a super minor amount of shares now.
I would wager many retail investors, like ourselves, probably hold more actual shares than Suresh, De Alba, Tralisa, etc (sad really in truth after all these years). No way any of these folks will buy 1 actual share on the open market and/or exerise their warrants/options until they see the results on the Kawa-1 well... if successful, they all cash in and buy super cheap shares and become rich. If the well is a bust, they don't lose one penny via stocks, still make great yearly salaries, and Frontera will just go and gobble up more of CGX and I am sure they will reward themselves more cheap options. Either way, they are carrying no risk with their business decisions and only have upside potential with regards to their financial compensation (to me, that's what I continue to think when guys like De Alba remark "maximizing shareholder value"... yeah, for them!). Very different for us long term shareholders.
Looks like no one on the market cares about the Friday news release either...only 1413 total shares traded.