RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Variants of concern vs sona I have an avg. price of .22 with Therma so not sure how I'm a bag holder but ok. Refer to my posts when I stated I was buying and cross reference the price during that time. I had an even lower avg. but added to my position at a higher price. Like I said my messages can be viewed.
I could ask you why Sonas test was DENIED by HC Lolol but that would be bashing right?
Why is Sona being sued? I believe the phrase in the article was for "misleading investors"
Why did Sona dump from $16 to .70 ?
Sona is selling tests in Europe yet has not provided any trial results ? Seems very strange.
You can rant and rave all you want but the fact remains the real bag holders are here. $16 to .70 says everything. Guarantee if there is any movement up shorts won't have an issue covering because thousands will be selling to recover some of their money.
Full disclosure I don't own a single share of Sona long or short. Just here to expose the bs and to troll the countless Sona bashers who are on the Therma board.
70k volume at these prices says one thing no ones buying.
dart321 wrote: LOL a Therma bag holder comes here and rants and raves. Ask yourself why has Health Canada not approved a trial for therma, they applied to HC before SONA? Why have they not sold any tests in the EU? Why was there provisions attached to the test before manufacturing was initiated in the EU? Why is that production still on hold? I will tell you why, they need to do a trial in a country that is recognized world wide, not Brazile! Before you comment that Sona is not selling in Europe maybe you should do some research first. I will help you a bit but you have to find it on your own, selling for 15 pounds each or 14.25 for 5+ or 12.75 for 25+ or 11.50 for 225+ or 10.50 for 1000+ all prices are in UK funds. These sales and priceing are for V!, until the trial results are released it will stay that way and who knows what the results will be. If we are lucky and they come back 95%+ then kaboom, if they come back a bust below 80% then it's a bust. We sit and wait.