RE:RE:RE:InterstestingI don't know if it was the same day or week or month, but sgy was hitting 16 around the same time. I bought some at 18 so I sort of recall this. I'd say 16 to 60 qualifies as an explosion. As for waaah, this other name went up 340% and mine went up only 280%, you sound ridiculous. Every junior oil producer has exploded from last year. Be happy if you owned any of them rather than beeyatch about which one went up the most in the last 3 days. And no Aries, sgy doesn't HAVE to merge with anyone.
littledave55555 wrote: Thank u for the info ... last time i seen something like is was with ATH at 16 cents ... hope it explodes the same way as ATH that now sits at 80 cent on the way to a buck