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Paramount Resources Ltd T.POU

Alternate Symbol(s):  PRMRF

Paramount Resources Ltd. is a Canada-based energy company. The Company explores and develops both conventional and unconventional petroleum and natural gas. It also pursues longer-term strategic exploration and pre-development plays and holds a portfolio of investments in other entities. Its principal properties are located in Alberta and British Columbia. The Company's operations are organized into three regions: the Grande Prairie Region, located in the Peace River Arch area of Alberta, which is focused on Montney developments at Karr and Wapiti; the Kaybob Region, located in west-central Alberta, which includes the Kaybob North Duvernay development, the Kaybob North Montney oil development and other shale gas and conventional natural gas producing properties, and the Central Alberta and Other Region, which includes the Willesden Green Duvernay development in central Alberta and shale gas producing properties in the Horn River Basin in northeast British Columbia.

TSX:POU - Post by User

Comment by RookieReturnson Jun 02, 2021 7:05pm
Post# 33315977

RE:RE:What happened today?

RE:RE:What happened today?Not worried, just looking to see if anyone had some kind of "fundamentals" explanation of the drop. Wish I had more cash to put in, might look at Crescent Point as another place to park some cash. 
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