RE:piper downgrade before a decision of FDA days away?Newcamo, get serious, if you can. This new target is long term, to the extent you believe them. So, sure, if the FDA comes back with an approval in sevral days and IF they grant the voucher, which could happen, nevertheless the short term cash infusion from the voucher plus the %5 M option is all they will get, nothing long term, as they have given any long term revenue stream from Ryplazim to Kedrion for the measely $5 M. With no short or medium term hopes for any revenue and any long term possible revenue only after they have gone through more expensive clinical trials starting from nearly square one, and only then if they succeed many years down the road, they will have long burned through any current one time cash infusion in no time, especially with really high compensation they are paying themsilves while the co is running on fumes.
Even if it all works out well - which is highly doubtfull, investors won;t put up money now in the hope of some possib;le revenue if all goes well many years down the road. And if it is true that SALP is tryin to bury this company as quickly as it can then even this target is much too rosy even at $4.25.