I COULDN'T GET TO SLEEP AT ALL LAST NIGHT~CUZ I WAS SPLISHINand a splashin".....yup that's the tune in my head dis morning" sheesh wat a pathetic stream of . I checked all my boxes, DECADES of investing and never ever have I seen such corruption.
There is a difference between holding some nice green, stating the facts and being a cry baby.
Nobody is cry baby here!! LET'S get that straight!! Shareholders were totally RIPPED of any trust and not just for CREST.
I never ever seen such blantant disregard for shareholders. SUCH ROBBERY!!
So, so many things they could have done WAY WAY BETTER .......my head is busting with different approaches that would be in the best interest for ALL...no thought, no care just a bully, stealing thief Micheal Collin and NOW they want to hide under the blanket of escrow OMG .........may the skies of hell open upon them!!
Sheesh a fuking high school kid could EXECUTE a better play to steal money.......than outright tanking the sp for GLUTTONY!
If this is called a "learning curve" over 60yrs..........fuk dang .......I cannot believe Security Exchange authorities are not at the very least making an inquiry~
That's the fuked up part for me. NOBODY has posted a response from ANYWHERE!!
I repeat I thought I ticked every box here over 2 year hold, accumulating, patiently being loyal, EVEN management, I ticked that box off....what the fuk Dr. Jekyl Mr. Hide!
Wat about the ripple effect on those other stocks as well NFLD ~OPA???....ITS A HURRICAINE trifecta!!!