Catalysts for Going Higher? Somebody Knows SomethkngIt makes no sense that we trade at such a high valuation. All the cards have been laid out with the exception of the cash burn rate of the Company, we know zero warrants to date have been exercised and they only have 1.4 million left in the bank We know about the 1 product they have and the one coming in 2023 and we know the market has yawned and both of these and at Bellido's presentation. We know about the 40 million share overhang. We know about Pimp and Pump and their shenanigans. We might get a few more patents granted from other countries but where are the next catalysts to propel us higher? We aren't drilling for gold. We have no other divisions . And yet we hold strong in the 17 cent range. Denial or does somebody know something? I'm gambling that someone knows something and I continue to buy under 20. GLTA