KTR is undervalued compared to other copper mines KTR has a market valuation of $18M while NWST.V is worth $93M and SURG.V is worth $59M.
KTR has an average copper concentration that varies from 0.50% to 1% while NWST and SURG have concentrations of about 0.45% Cu equivalent. This means that the copper content is even lower than that! But if we add the other minerals found then it represents the same value as 0.45% copper. While KTR does not yet take into account the other minerals.
Moreover, KTR is on the surface while the others, their mineralizations are mostly deeper.
It is true that KTR is in its very first stages but the new WABASH discovery seems very promising. And I don't see why we shouldn't be worth as much as the others if we compare apples to apples.