In AnticipationWell, I'm pleased that IPL will become part of PPl as I just couldn't bear seeing Brookfield take it over. I had at one time considered adding PPL to my porfolio but just never got around to doing so. I did however consider that PPL was the best bet as a partner for IPL when PPL cancelled their petro chemical plant idea in Dec. of 2020. So, I sold almost all of my IPL this morning at $20.35 and left a just 1000 shares to be converted when the time comes. I turned around and used the proceeds to acquire PPL at $38.00. I'm positive that IPL will bring a lot to PPL as the two are combined into a much larger and efficent business. I was so anticipating the completion and commissioning of the Heartland Complex and watching the revenue growth starting in 2022 but I'll now watch it give that substantial boost to the PPL shares. This turned out to be the cheapest way to acquire a new polyproplene plant that PPl had considered building themselves and now there's no one in Canada to compete in the plastic pellet market and 60% of the product already has committed buyers. Let the growth start!