UKHM (Alexco) Hector-Calumet Eagle Vein ParallelAny news if Avino might be moving forward or is still involved in Eagle based on the results if it's Keno Hill Eagle drilling program in 09? The drilling also inidcated significant concentrations of indium.
The Eagle Vein is located roughly 1.5 kilometres south of, and parallel to, the vein structures of the Hector-Calumet Mine, which generated almost half of all metal produced in the Keno Hill camp from 1935 to 1972. The Eagle vein varies from 0.6 to 4.9 metres in width with mineralized lenses of silver-rich galena, sphalerite and tetrahedrite in a siderite, pyrite and quartz gangue.
Apparently Avino had an option agreement with Alexco Resources (TSX:AXU) on Alexco’s wholly¬owned Eagle property located in the Yukon. This interest has now been turned back to Alexco?
Eagle | Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd.
eagle_property.pdf (