Holy Flying Fruitcakes Batman....!WTH to the board?? Talk about invasion of the spamming masters! Not only have we gone viral everywhere but we've gotten so popular that even Duster & TopAdivsor themselves have made an appearance and have come onboard by using this BB to sell their spamming spiel. What's next? An invitation to the Whitehouse to sit beside & reminisce with ole Seepy Joe & Wrinkly Kamalu Harris? There's so many pumpers & bashers here that i do know who really who. And damn how many times has that Silversproket, Silverspruce, Silverspurss fellow or whatever new alias he's using, how many times was he banned from here? Jesus, he keeps coming back brand spakin' new like a bad case of genital herpes!
If ALL this doesn't make an airtight, reasonable case that we're headed MUCH MUCH higher in the coming days, THEN i don't know what qualfies!
SSE Pumpers VS SSE Bashers as witnesses below......who wins?
Good luck & God speed