Folks: The plandemic, Fauci and all associated issues and Events will play out without any input from this board. Nothing we say here will amount to a hill of beans for those who are predisposed to believing the "truth for them". At this point, folks are entrenched and are not likely to be swayed by facts or truth. What is important to this board is that KL is rapidly careening toward the end of the quarter. Mineralization is being mined, processed and the resulting PM output is being sold at $1,900. The EPS, Fosterville slowdown notwithstanding, should result in a very favorable comparison to Q2 2020 and Q1 2021. Now is the time to make your own evaluation as to the appropriateness of your positions and whether you should add. Just saying. It is however a shame that the OldFoxDud has returned. I suppose that it was too good to be true. Perhaps he should add to his moniker: 'OldFoxOffTopicDude". Yep, fixed it for him.