Dear Tex, I apologize that I didn't get every point of your abstruse theories but reading your posts always feels like reading posts about 9/11 or Bill Gates/Covid conspiracies. It is hard to follow that constructed logic. And believe me I am an Investor. I did my DD. About the past leadership of Farmako as well. And with Google translate it should be accessible for you too. And as you say a quarter of a brain is enough...I doubt that. But common sense is very helpful. Did you ever speak with Katrin Eckmans, Tex? I doubt that, since, in case you speak as you write, no serious (adult) person in business can handle a minute with you talking. But I got my answer from your answer. I won't (and can't) take you serious anymore. And no one in this board should unless you want to kill Ivany. If you are an investor use your common sense, put things into perspective and you will see that AGRA for sure is a gamble but one that reached its bottom (my opinion) and has a plan that can work out. And btw. That was not a challenge. It was a trap.... ;) I have talked with most Farmako employees. Their office is a 5 min walk. They are not super heroes as you but they are working. Just one more thing: Now, I am just looking forward to - as everyone else here with a quarter of a brain - TheTexan monitoring the board without answering. Hope dies last and some people really reach their dreams. You are quite an example, Tex. Thanks.