OGI 🚀🚀🚀 to… 126. This is based on a run up to 30 Billion valuation on the back of R&D. The COE is in the process of developing the delivery system for a new CBD medication. They have been collecting data on the genetics of different strains for several years through their engagement with Shoppers drug mart.
The US federal legislation is allowing Canadian medical companies to conduct Research on the benefits of CBD and seek approval from FDA.
In addition to the work that has been done by BTI to secure freedom to operate for the delivery method, they will most likely front the cost to manufacture and distribute the medication when ready for sale.
this is not your average Canadian LP. The recreational play is, and will always be, periferal to the main medical business that OGI was established to compete in.
They are currently in the process of staking the house with staff that have the talents required to move the company in the direction they need to go, and once complete will bring on a CEO that has a history of execution in the pharmaceutical industry.