Maybe if UncleWrong could do math...He'd realize how ridiculously pie-in-the-sky his repeated promises of a $100 share price are. With a share float over 165million, that would mean a 16Billion dollar PLUS market cap!
Kind of ridiculous for a company that's anticipating a $65M sale this fall, with profits in the $35M range...
And that's IF it comes through, and the client doesn't choose cold pelletization, or some other process.
In fact, the current share price has already costed some of that in, as it's over 2500% up from early last year.
So, yeah, UncleWrong made a bunch of you a lot of money... if you sold.
But acting like surprised little schoolgirls every time the stock goes down looks a little crazy.
Take out your calculators and stop listening to a guy who wants to con you into believing he's family.
He isn't.