RE:Whats new today matesCountless companies give out free samples and trials. Costco does it every weekend. I suppose Costco is a failing business in your limited scope? My internet provider gave one month free. They're doing fine too. It costs pennies to make a pack so while you think this is some business ending strategy it's actually more common than you seem capable of understanding. Honestly if you invested in it you should be more patient and try seeing this through a less less tunnel visioned view on how you THINK most businesses operate vs how they actually do. If you haven't invested...then dude...what the hell are you doing here? Are you just bored. Do you sit outside of elementary schools and shout across the fence that they're wasting their lives on the jungle gym because it's not academically viable enough for you? Just seems bizarre man. Attention seeking perhaps but either way sad that nothing you say is helpful or intelligent. Just negative and skewed opinions that really make no sense. If you think free samples will break a company that you literally know nothing about then maybe you're on the wrong of that school fence and need a bit of an education. Costco has a forum too. Get on there and tell the investors how their business is doomed because they've been giving away samples every Saturday for almost 40 years. TAAT is doing just that. Getting people to try something they normally wouldn't. Spending a few cents a pack as part of their marketing campaign. This is a good thing. Being too closed minded to see that is unfortunate but maybe it's best you avoid stocks that have potential and require a bit research and foresight. Guys like you should probably stick to mutual funds or just let your money safely sit in a TFSA or something. This just seems to be a bit beyond your scope of understanding.