RE:RE:RE:RE:Must be all those Yes, an accumulative zero is your account. I told you before retail is always the last to find out. When Sona dropped a few weeks ago from 1.40 to a buck that was someone who knew to dump becaue there was a leak for sure.
Pump away. Let this be a lesson for you. Always be open to constructive criticism otherwise your blind.
dart321 wrote: Do you know what an accumulative zero sum short is? My god man learn the ropes before you play the game. These are the funds playing this game and they don't give a hoot about the little guy/gal. Two things need to happen for them to win this game.r #!- they need this trial to flop #2- they need the law suits to mean something. If the trial flops they win if the trial comes back 95%+ they get crushed. We sit and wait, note the trading today, exactly as I said would happen. Anyway good night it's late here.