RE:So why does VSBY need USD$9.2M ?Here are some possible scenarios. I am ruling out a new big deal - VSBY PR / Jay would have hinted this already. 1. OPTIMISTIC: a. Either AB InBev or "tba in August retailer" are insisting on higher cash in hand (de-risk) before finalizing. AB InBev is still LoI, final agreement not signed. Explains the urgency. b. VSBY is looking to uplist, TSE perhaps? Less likely, but just throwing it in there 2. NEUTRAL: VSBY is looking to expand in-house engineering, professional services team - just as it says in the financing doc. Jay would have been aware of it, no issues communicating this as well - so less likely. 3. PESSIMISTIC: Projected revenue guidance unlikely to be met - need cash to survive. If so, media component from AB InBev deal has taken a hit, largest chunk of 5-7m projected. 4. Could be something else altogether as well - an "all cash" acquisition?