My Goodness I’m Shaking My Head In 20 odd years of investing, I have never see more negative posts than on this board. Some posters were posting wrong predictions and they were proven wrong by the thus far discoveries. Yes I could ignore some but it's worth to know what some of us think.
My honest opinion is that a few posters have sold prematurely or want to acquire cheaper shares or are purely shorting. Some of this talk is utmost nonsense, least to say confusing and fearmongering.
People, Namibia is a civilized country, some of you may not even know where it exactly is. Mind boggling. Both countries will do utmost protective measures to make sure all goes smoothly.
RECO will be Showing Off soon enough with World Class deposits and the Majors will be fighting among themselves to be part of this story. I'm suspecting Botswana will be as good as Namibia.
RECO: $150-$250