RE:RE:RE:RE:What a bunch of sad bag holders! Kid, I had 100k invested in Cpg at a buck avg. you do the math on that since my math is apparently bad.
I don't go around pretending to be an expert pumping garbage. You've been called out let's see your expert 31% gain
I know you won't post it becaue it's all bs. You questioned my Cpg buy and I showed it to shut you up. So either post or youre full of it which we all know is true.
Moemoney42 wrote: news flash for ya Krusty.. I could care less about your account but you sure are interested in mine aren't ya.. LOL.. WHAT the guy that whined about the share float of CPG bought shares in it.. LMAO... I guess you're just bitter you sold out at $3 and change eh..?
Kaiser wrote: a 10% gain is a good day but you're full of sh!t.
Post your 31% gain or shut up. You questioned my Cpg buy at a buck and I posed my buy.
Lets see it warren buffet lol
Moemoney42 wrote: Yeah OK Krusty... you tell us all how it works... I for one could care less about whether they are selling Kaiserbuns.. dog turds.. or gold nanorods.. I'm playing the trends and even if they are selling clown shoes to you.. if the opportunity to buy and sell to make a buck presents itself, I'm all over it.. and you can't deny a 31% gain in one day is SWEET..!!!
Kaiser wrote: You clowns are defending this dumpster fire?! LOL
celebrating a .085 gain on a stock that fell from $16 to .25 Jesus fkn Christ you're all clowns!
This is pure comedy!