.30 .35 .50 it doesnt make any difference to me snake you go ahead keep score day to day i dont need to. I know where these are and when they get stay and keep going up like i said do you think i need to waste my time keeping score? Nope i will be celebrating but you know something the more you do this and when what i already see what i do and things work that way i will not come rub things in but i am sure there will be others who do. Whether you care or not i couldnt care less because at the end of the day like i said it is about making monies and i will not constantly engage with you in pitter patter. I am just telling you that as you sow in rubbing things in so too will you reap so be prepared thats all. I wanted to only say this much to you before now as i said cutting you of. Dont feel bad about what others do or think just figure out when the time comes what will you do ;-)