RE:Board Culture
fivenine wrote: This board has a dichotomous culture comprised of two basic groups that presumably have one thing in common, all are holding a long position in Sernova. The two groups have basically either a positive or negative overall outlook on the state of matters with the company.
The positive posters tend to calmly make their opinions known, most have some issues or things they don't like about the company/how it is being run, etc, but overall see things moving ahead, just not as quickly as we'd like. When questioned, this group tends to reply with their thoughts, reasons and perspective in a reasonable manner and normal tone and wording.
The negative posters are extremely emotional in their responses, cannot tolerate any positive input whatsoever, are ultra sensitive and get super triggered when any positive thought is tabled. Their responses are characterized by ad hominem attacks on the company, it's management and/or any person posting a positive outlook, with said attacks including childish name calling, and ironically in behaving this way,these posters unwittingly forfeit almost all credibility and can't understand why their opinions aren't gaining any traction. Then at the height of their rant, often "threaten" they are "leaving" or selling when the SP reaches x like that is going matter to anyone. Back in the 15-25 cent days, how many times did Bio say he'd be selling and swore he'd never be heard from again the day the stock hit 30 cents (which he said would likely never happen due to blah, blah, same old name calling, thrashing management, etc) and yet he is still here. In fact all of the "negative" lot are still here, presumably holding shares. Why does this group remain? I think this is what MM was asking the other day...why are you here? If you feel the company is that poorly managed, why stay and use so much of your energy to try to cast the company/management in a bad light?? The answer is simply that the positive aspects of owning shares and the potential upside outweighs any perceived downside.
It's just odd/interesting that the individuals in each group tend to have similar tone, disposition and temperment in their responses and posts, why is that?
I find it strange when some in this "negative" group regularly implore Red or MM or whoever to 'Call Philip and ask him what is going on about this or that, we want answers, ask him!... why don't you call him?... you have the questions, ask yourself. No doubt, there are legtimate questions and concerns we all have and want answers to, this is normal and why there is an AGM. I don't know if we'll be hearing anything before the meeting, but I am looking forward to hearing what Phillip has to say at month end, I expect it will be positive.
I'm working on year 10 with this and have heard it all. I totally get the frustration and the waiting and waiting and waiting gets tiresome on a huge scale (waiting is the hard work of hope), but we are further along and in better position on all fronts than we have ever been, so I remain optomistic. Bring on the AGM.
As Bioteck and others have already explained , the posts are directed for management . Management feels that they don't need to answer to anybody let alone shareholders . This would normally not be an issue . Sonny openly criticized the company on this blog for many years . In fact the company legally tried to get him to stop posting but was unsuccessful .
As shareholders the only voice you have is your vote . That's it. If you talk to them, it's the same . This is not a small company penny stock company whereby retail shareholders got hosed by 25 cent private placements year over year by Matthews etc. The same retail shareholders that supported this small company to get to this point should not be ignored . Both sides believe in the science and in Witowski . There is no dispute there .
The managements inability to close any deals, and handling of financing , to staff issues ,to holding milestones , and clear communication with shareholders is the problem . Just because you have promising science does not guarantee success. Management has to have the experience and expertise to take it to the next level.
No explanation for rushed poor bought deal . After 6 months funds still not allocated . No update on why key staff are leaving . No immune protection advancement . No movement on thyroid , hemophilia. Instead they had a news release for a thyroid conference that then was backtracked ? Sernova was on the front page of the Globe and no response from company only to have a third rate newspaper to o pick them up. Now are working on assembling a world class team.... only person doing anything is Witowski .
Red is the go between management and the blog .
Everything will go to snooze after AGM, whereby management will back to their old ways and they do not need the votes .
Ms Sally