RE:RE:RE:RE:18% div at $.44ok cannon go on thinkin that moose pasture has value. if you look at the records of money spent there by NWX you might think it is not worth spending money on. a new mine? shake yer head buddy. nwx is a retirement, slush fund for Rozier. Remember when they issued those shares to the ceo and cfo for the BC lands.. it was a parcel they bought for little. they issued themselves nwx, cheap ones, for moose pasture they never have done anything with. it was a vehicle for two greedys to take advantage of their inside information to come up with a slick deal to trade worthless land for valuable nwx shares. They look smart but it is really just what some people would do to shareholders rights and obligations and such..
or wait, before that even...
nwx had traded a year or three fairly flat, with some cash and no obligations.. they had some big Aussie land tracts the major had just released to govt again and here it was at auction, at a time when no interst, so values low.. nwx buys it.. after his losses at East Lost Hills in California and the fiasco in Algeria when he was outflanked by BP for a promising find. ian now was down to his last cards, In Oz.. he owned huge land blocks. He could not drill, nwx was only a cash vehicle with lots of land.. Beach swings a deal to take it for a wonderful 2.5% GORR, a really well written deal where NWX gets 2.5% with NO future obligation at all, no charge ever. then great, they find Bauer, the best little oil field in decades. Early Bauer was producing clean hi grade crude for $5 a barrel! WOW.. that is liscense to print money. The wells came on at over 1000 bopd.. they made $50 on a $55 barrel of Brent.
now they drill 40 verticals and then try horizontals to clean it up. BUT,, the 40 verticals appear to be enuf as the horizontals are not finding much more oil.. the Bauer was such a great, easy flow reservoir.. it just had produced more than expected, faster then dreamned off. it was the demise of the oilfield Bauer, a wonderful decade for it...
now that is why I said move on.. the oil is less, ian will continue to be paid the lavish salary package for doing nothing, nothing.. just getting that cash flow. of course his next job at nwx will be to issue him more shares, maybe options, if nwx has not already hit the reg limit issued to them two.
when he needs more money, lol, he can give out a divy, he owns all them shares and paid pennys a share for most. he can issue any divy they want so it is nice deal at nwx for rozier..
was he offered $50 mill? I was not there, but at that time, any royalty company would buy that cash flow for $50 mill.. it was cfing $3 mill a qtr. Production was growing, it was a very strong relation to crude pricing. If you put the money in at that time, at 20-25 cents a share, where it was a long time.. you got a nickle divy, 25%, in a year, three times and nwx was still hording most cash flow.. they actually had $20-25 Mill in cash at one time... for like 20 cents, man I loaded up, it then traded up above 60 cents cause the cf was so strong. It was a great investment. I sold at 50 cents and got maybe 20 cents in divy, shares I paid under a nickle for, this was like at 40 bagger plus in my books..
was it a fluke?
I then bought TXP shares at 50 to sell at $2, 8 months later, I am known on that board for being a real neggative when the stock was trading at the same value as my next own AAV... $1.70-$2.. AAV.. wow, this year from $1.70 to well over $5,, and still movin as they have yet to spin out Entropy their best of a bunch of carbon capture plans. with the premium gas asset at Glacier aav is the best value of tghese mid sized gas producers.. like nuvista, kelt crew, storm peyto, all them want Glacier. It is the best gas field in North America where it is pennies to produce gas they sell now at $3.
gas prices are super strong today, in the weakest part of the year for a highly seasonal commodity like natgas This says, yells, natgas into the comin winter shows a superb sellers market. AAV et al will be minting cash for at least the next 12 months with possible/probable highest cf next winter that will make todays share price look rediculously cheap.
you still think I do not know what I am saying sonny, instead of ignoring my posts and all, why not use then to make money? same as on txp board, those dopes thought to get rid of me rather than use me to make enormous wins.. like they cut off them nose to spite them rather dumb;
just cause one sells a stock does not make them an enemy. Most that take me on have been strong holders, or rather not proficient at selling. You see buying is so easy and gradifying.. selling is different, you are leaving a winner, so what? do it! when I sell or buy, it is not been close to bottoms or tops, I want to be early.. early in and early out... at txp I took 4 bagger that still climbed to be a near 6 bagger botom to top.. they laffed at me for the month as txp still charged on. alas txp crashes back as some realize the find is way smaller then hoped. it is too... and they drilled a dry hole next.. so it halfed in value to even lower then when I sold.. and bought aav.. lol.. up up and
yes I do know what I speak of cannon sonny... and it is not drivel, YOURS is