5rockies from my recollection and understanding it was due to Blade Optics reasearch and development that ALLIS was developed. The Blade Optics was supposed to be a complete integrative tech of hardware the lens in this case flat squared and the software to go with it ALLIS. It was due to this work and research ALLIS was developed but what was puzzling at first now makes complete sense was when we were trying to figure out whether the double take would employ ALLIS and what was said that the early models no but later maybe that may have been the markings trouble in paradise and as to indicative to dump the square lenses for the conventional round. Now as to giving Blade Optics vs the shares hit it would have most likely been messy and cost more time and money in legal bickering as well as to figure out who would actually own ALLIS as from what i see it was a deritive emerging from Blade Optics research and development. Maybe the Dugalas would win ownership part ownership or nothing. No matter what it wouldnt be prudent to get tied up in legalities. Now i would think that with the break off all these issues are resolved because there is a case for the brothers to make as to my perspective for them to be part owners of the ALLIS tech so i hope this is a clean break with no further compensation. This was the best move that coould have been as to my perspective and under the circumatances.