Should not be less than .50
i dont care about saying manipulation or what not because i really honestly dont care on speaking to it. The rightful very low .50 to $1.25. The bottom line it is more than evident that money talks and thats fine as fast as this dropped from .43 whatever it had no business to have done so the moment products cleared and selling this jumps to .50 plus. That said as in the past if you are trading making gains well played and congrats but for those holding best to wait if possible buy up shares. These are below pp which should actually be floor. As for heat it has one advantage over this company and that is the mines it has stake in although in the past and as part of all the share bloat here and what i thought i read this company was partnered to mining companies that may have been for alt energy and if that is the case and those mines are producing well the huge dollar advantage is here. But doesnt hurt to hold both heat is one third less unless it finishe more than .20 today.