PR - Imperial Property Agreement approved by Exchange.I guess now we know who is involved in the Imperial Property transfer, does anyone know these people.. Cash plus 9 M shares is a good deal if the property is worth it, and that is the unknown, so little information has been provided except to say how much these people are going to make.
Sky Gold agreement for La Reine, La Roi properties
2021-06-18 19:50 ET - Property Agreement
The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing a purchase agreement dated May 20, 2021, between Sky Gold Corp., and Pierre Gervais, 2420-2970 Quebec Ltd. (Remy Belanger) and Bay Capital Markets (Victor Cantore) (collectively the La Reine vendors), whereby the company may acquire a 100-per-cent interest in claims adjacent to the company's Imperial property, located in Quebec. Consideration is 1.5 million common shares. The vendors retain a 3-per-cent net smelter return (NSR) royalty, with the company having the right to repurchase 1 per cent for $1-million.
Additionally, the TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing a purchase agreement dated May 27, 2021, between the company, and Albert Contardi, Kelly Malcolm, Wanda Cutler, Anna Rosa Giglio, Jadeite Capital Inc. (Samantha Cantore) and Bay Capital Markets Inc. (Victor Cantore) (collectively the La Roi vendors), whereby the company may acquire a 100-per-cent interest claims adjacent to the company's Imperial property, located in Quebec. Consideration is $150,000 cash and nine million common shares. The vendors retain a 3-per-cent NSR royalty, with the company having the right to repurchase 1 per cent for $1-million.