A Motherlode of Pending News ReleasesIn no particular order....
1...comprehensive and all inclusive data analyses report on Gabanintha drilling targetd
2...Assay results of 2000 m drilling program beneath Peranghi pits
3..Current status of Peranghi production and further close spaced drilling results
4.Plans for second stage exploration of Mentique
5. Operational status of the Burnakura Mill
6.Operstional status of the heap leach plant and plans for low grade gold production by heap leaching
7..Resource estimation of the Gabanintha high grade mining tailings dump
8..drilling plans to convert 130,000 ounces of Inferred Sulphide gold beneath Selinsing pits
9..Status of mine resumption at Burnakura
10.Announcement of ASX listing
11..Timely reporting of significant drilling results by JV partner, ODY
12.Updates on progress in building the floatation plant
13. Updates on marketing efforts to acquire Floatation concentrate for milling at the Selinsing mill
Frequent news releases are good for building investor interest, share price and adding liquidity .
Lets hope management know just how important news is to not only shareholders but to potential new investors seeking quality investment