IONIC CHARGE CHART CATIONS = metal minerals ( sulphides )
ANIONS = salt metals with bond ( alkais ) ( eg - sodium metal with chloride bond )
DO TAKE NOTE - roman numerals are indicators that imply the cation or anoin can obtain
one or more charge -
Why are ionic charges so important ?
ISimply put - it allows for higher electrical ion charge - when applied ot battery storage
a metal cation or anoin that has the ability to hold more electrical ionic charge makes for a
better battery based upon - more charge - more energy stored.
As one can see - copper and cobalt have a 2+ charge value.
Thus, copper would be a great suvsitute for cobalt ( replacmeent )
Robert Firedland - ( recently in the news ) has also suggested copper as a replacmeent for cobalt.
Now, let's backtrack to my prior post and ask...
What's the formula for - azurite ?
And as mentioned above ( roman numerals )chart in pdf only shows copper as a 2+ charge.
Here we can see copper in azurite form has a 3+ charge vlaue.
Thus... triple bond - triple charge value.
Could azurite have a better matrices formula than cobalt itself ?
More charge capacity = More energy storage.
Which is why Max,
should ask the Colombian University to test the charge values of - Azurite,
see if it's possible to extract azurite in an extraction flowsheet - keep it's integrity -
and if so... how does azurite handle charge and discharge capacity.
Does azurite promote dendrites - or... is azurite on it's own...
make for a good compatible anode / cathode with other metal - could even be as easy as, copper anode - azurite cathode. Does the carbonate bond with in azurite place it at an advantage. YES... Testing the azurite would be ideal.