3 COPPER AMIGO'S - south of the border - Max Resources
- Hannon Metals
- Aurania Resources
Each on the hunt for copper. Describing their findings similar to the infamous - Kupferschiefer ( copper deposit ) europe.
Hannon - 1869 - sq km of lands - sounds like they attracted a larger player - JOGMEC
but the terms are hmm... $2/millio neach year - sounds like a long term play, and the sp
hasn't really moved on this JV - perhaps the percentage ownership control of JOGMEC,
would be the reason.
https://www.hannanmetals.com/news/2021/hannan-announces-us-2m-jogmec-jv-annual-budget-at-san-martin-peru-and-exercise-of-c-1.1m-warrants/ Aurania Resources - very nice sp valution - but...
gotta love the latest drill capaign - i'm not seeing any values of what they intercepted.
Great diagrams on depicting what they did encouter below grade - sedimentary style copper, but... is this a tel ltale sign that these three juniors are encountering sediment shale style copper whereas it was once an ocean floor that came inland - thus, drilling into it will garner only what the sediment thickness offers - or, are there several sediment layers at different strata depths - sounds like Aurania's copper is several meters down hole - harder to get at...
https://stockhouse.com/news/press-releases/2021/06/15/aurania-reports-that-drilling-has-intersected-sediment-hosted-copper Max Resources - apparently has the sediment style copper as well,
But.. it appears the copper and silver have not seen the overburden effect like their counter peers. Majority of Max's mineral findings appear to be consistently at - surface while their latest findings more easterly towards Venazuela ( own opinion ) appear to be moreso fractured sediment banding - perhaps the intital sediment shales that were first pushed ashore and seen far more volatility - seen in latest pics - yet.. .still above grade.
Three Amigo's seekinglarge stratabound copper in, south america.
I was wondering if it was worth Aurania's time ot drill ?
Given the results were - passing thorugh several sediment bands - is tihs worth chasing ?
All depends if the sdediment bands are of size and widths.
In my estimation - Max could very wel lrun into the same situation - drill and find out that the
sediments are the only source of the copper and silver - and drilling might be futile -
What i'm seeing moreso in Northern Colombia is minerals right at surfacde - and well, bulk sampling with a backhoe would fare betterthan a drill campaign.
Not unless the junior took the appraoch of,
Drilling only what is seen at surface to maximum 20m depths,,, (if that )
And, what is not seen, account for the potential depth ofoverburden in the valleys, and make
that estimationof how much overburden could be there, looking for the continuation of the sediment trend - aiming for continuity of a larger strata deposit.
Trick - all in one area - targeting an area - that is ripe for mining without the eco crowd.
One tip - things are changing in Colombia.... ( indigenous handshakes )
Jus research Cerrejon, and well, one can eassily see who is behind the, resistence.
Hence - why i said - Max should involve more of Colombia as a backing
versus - outsider miner - just saying.