RE:good news todayTrenching for almost a month, probably another month or more ahead, spinning their wheels on a "new vein extensions" and the latest NR only confirms the original plan....
Original Plan...
Targets include veins No 2 and No 18 both with visible gold. No. 2 returned grades up to 351 g/t gold from grab samples and No. 18 returned grades up to 3955 g/t gold over 0.1 m from chip samples...."
Sorry, Old News, same plan...they need money and they are blowing what money they have on staking more land closer to some other Cos. find...???
So they really have no cash and no plan....
Mike, get off your wallet and raise/spend some f-cking money...
Disclosure: I hold NO SXL, PUMA, EDGE and have NO bids in on any of these Cos.