RE:Keith & Dan again. Very good very excitingAnd for their reward they get a call from OTC Markets in the U.S. which isn't the primary trading venue. But the U.S. is home to a large contingent of the "Hate Keith" CrimNakes who want his hide any way they can get it for having had the courage and temerity to stand up to their legal larceny. So they get their Obsequious Toadies, Sycophant SockPuppets, Apologising Acolytes, and Handy Hatchetjob Hitmen at OTC Markets to call up the company and go "WTF?"
Notice how there appears to be no similar inquiry from IIROC, who are not the least bit hesitant about calling a Company when they detect what they perceive as "unusual trading activity".
And one would think as the Company's primary regulator, IIROC would have been on the phone faster than a duck on a June bug.
Hope they told OTC Markets to pound it up their a**es, and use a barbwire-wrapped fencepost to pound it.