RE:Extended Invite to all to dinner!I'm telling you onthebalance,aka julierichards aka fraudhunter aka invinceableone...
Your the best.
You should more time to your big land acquisition.Ha!Ha"!Ha!
Your scrambling and trying hard.
I give you a 10 on effort but going forward,you will be fooling less honnest investors.
Since i make baseless claims and accusations,
I invited all investors to clic on onthebalance and julierichards account and you will see
that they post 100% on AC just like fraudhunter. But for one odd reason,they both did a single post on t.well board.
For our master poster onthebalance it's on page 1 and on his julierichards account it's on page 2
Sure, it's a coincidence that they both post thousand and thousand messages on AC
and both account have just one common post on t.well.And both in june.LOL
For those who beleive in fairy tales, to bad that you get fooled by onthebalance,aka julierichards aka fraudhunter aka invinceableone...witch is one same guy.
The guy is scrambling but he is good an has lot's of tricks to fool you.
You will be seing them swinging at me.That's the style of someone hurting you just got unmask.Writing nasty thing tells me that you are hurting badly master pumper.
Good luck onthebalance,aka julierichards aka fraudhunter aka invinceableone on
trying to reel in the gullible honnest investors.
I know you won't go away, it's your job