ChrysosWhat has always amazed me was the light speed that NFG has gotten to where it is.
Goldspot IMHO has already gotten them 2 years ahead of schedule for a company not
even a year old.
A new bottleneck has now arisen some 10 years in the making getting core samples back
from the lab. NFG has handled the situation the way it is better than most but now sitting
on 6 months backlog this situation will not remedy itself nearly quickly enough for a company
travelling at warp speed and is bout to slow down.
My only way out I see rapidly would be all in to Chysos technology if the can adapt it.
QH is all in to them at NVO to save their grade control on their massively big project.
Go to 35:43 minute mark and he gives a basic explanation as well.
To get a more technical explanation go here.
With NVO having 10% of NFG and QH sitting on NFG board of directors I am sure he has
brought it up but not sure with how much attention Chrysos is getting they are simply just
overwherlmed. Anybody got any better ideas? IKE