The rewards of being nice and making an effortJust so it is clear to everyone going forward: anyone can participate in private placements in CCPC's (Canadian Controlled Private Corporations). However, to qualify, you must be introduced by family and friends to the deal as opposed to public soliticitations and you must qualify for at least one of a number of possible exemptions under the securities act.
Fantome provided me with the opportunity to participate after he and I had taken the time in the past to get to know each other and become friends which originally began with private messages.
Each and every one of us has attributes that can be meaningful and useful in any number of ways. However, the attributes are like the tree falling in the forest story. If nobody knows you, how can they hear your sound. If you spend time bashing and ridiculing, you are making a sound, but it is not a sound that is likely to help you other than to perhaps temporarily relieve your pain.
My guess is that each of the family and friends are each going to make a healthy 7 and perhaps 8 figures on the CCPC that Fantome and I participated in. Anyone that has ever read a Fantome post could have been in the same position if they had taken the time and effort to build a relationship with him.
Fantome and I share the same sentiment in that being nice and making the effort can be highly rewarding. The money is just the gravy.