RE:Royston"mid-July" has not been meaning "mid-July" for a very long time. I hope once that refurbished bigger rig gets drilling that this one well at Royston, final well of first exploration program, goes smoothly. I hope they can drill it to total depth in a month or two, release wireline data, and then immediately bring in completion crew to flow test the well, get reserves, get an estimate for production from this one Royston well, and jump start work on a development plan. At Chinook and Casca Deep even the completion crew was delayed by months.
I also hope that before the Royston well is tested that Coho is producing and development plan at Cascadura project is accepted and construction has started (by NGC) on the pipeline spur to the current Casca drill pad. If not then even a Royston discovery is just going to make it look like things might happen there in a couple of years.