recent yoohoo video After listening twice, painfully, the only news appeared to be eluding to ROD appeal rejection, thus allowing the proponent to re-apply for another 404 permit and re-triggering NEPA review.
There is a reasonable chance if the current DEIS included full detailed discussion of underground mining as an alternative, as required by NEPA, and cumulative foreseeable future impact assessment, the ROD denial defense would be weaker. Conversely, a larger mine foot print may substantiate potential future ROD denial or underground mining being selected in ROD as the preferred mining method alternative. Mining by only underground methods alleviates many environmental concerns. If the project proceeds the Alaska legislature can deny.
IMO, both parties are at fault. The proponent for flapping their gums (Pebble Tapes) and not providing the real mining intent and the USACE for not preparing a compliant NEPA EIS document.